💚Dark greenish black with four rayed stars (that can be seen in round beads or cabochons but lost in faceting). Black Star Diopside is rare, beautiful, and worth obtaining. Also called the Black Star of India.
🖤Called the stone of healing tears, it releases blocked sorrows and grief.
💚Liberating for men who’ve been told it’s unmanly to express emotions or cry.
🖤A dual-energy gem that enhances creativity but at the same time encourages logic and analysis.
💚Softens stubborn attitudes, effective for temper tantrums in toddlers and adults.
🖤Good crystal for aggressive, unfriendly, sick pets or male pets that haven’t been neutered to be more sociable with other pets.
💚Wear to attain recognition in your field of expertise.
🖤Brings lucky breaks and opportunities to success.
💚Encourages over conservative people to try out new things.
🖤Wearing Black Star diopside alleviates deep-seated fears, fear of the dark, ghosts, and childhood phobias.
💚The star in black diopside acts as a gateway to other dimensions. Make wishes under a starry sky.
🖤Helps back, slip disc, lumbar, spine, skeleton, neck, muscle strains and spasms, ligaments, bowels, large intestines, prostrate, hernia, knees, feet,chronic constipation, kidneys, fluid blockages.
🖤Helps one establish a firm grounding.
💚The energy of diopside opens the heart, Root and earthstar chskras, creating a grounding cord of light from one’s heart to the heart of the earth. This cord completes the circuit, grounds excess energy, replenishes diminished energy as needed.
🖤A stone for improving one’s well-being, esp after serious illness orcyermibal conditions where the body has become very weak.
💚Aids in having more physical energy or psycho-spiritual energy for transition to the next realm.
🖤Excellent crystal for dowsers and geomancy.
💚Harmonizes well with Tibetan Tektite, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Jet, Red Garnet for grounding.
Chakra – Root, Earth
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