Rare Herkimer Diamond Bracelet – Round – 1pc

6,400.0013,600.00 including GST

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🔸️Herkimer Diamond means seed of enlightenment.
🔸️It is clear, with inner rainbows, usually double terminated variety of quartz, and is a powerful attunement crystal, especially the smaller, exceptionally clear ones.
🔸️With six sides and double termination, this gem can transmit powerful energy.
🔸️Herkimer Diamond is the manifestation of pure light.
🔸️Emanating positive energy, it cleanses the body and conducts the highest vibration of life force.
🔸️Herkimer Diamond, with its pure, crystal light, clears the chakras, opening channels for spiritual energy to flow. It stimulates conscious attunement to the highest level, and is particularly helpful in activating and opening the Crown and Third Eye Chakras.
🔸️It stimulates psychic abilities, spiritual vision, telepathy, linking into guidance from higher dimensions, and promotes dream recall and access to past life information so you can recognize blockages to your spiritual growth.
🔸️When programmed with loving thoughts and intentions, it stores memories that can later be retrieved when healing is needed.
🔸️Brings your soul’s purpose forward.
🔸️Activates the light body.
🔸️Attunes people and links them together when they have to be parted, each to retain one stone.
🔸️One of the strongest to clear emf and geopathic stress when you grid your house with larger stones.
🔸️Helps to clear the body and the mind of any repressed fears, toxic thoughts, and negative feelings. It invites you to find your sense of serenity
🔸️Relieves insomnia, stress, and tension from the body.
🔸️Herkimer with Citrine is an excellent antidote to fatigue caused by negativity.
🔸️It energizes, enlivens, and promotes creativity.
🔸️The high frequency of this stone can help sort cellular disorders and imbalances in the body.
🔸️This diamond amplifies and speeds up healing, helping the body to eliminate toxins, and encouraging healing circulation.
🔸️From migraines to motion sickness, the Herkimer helps you to get back on track.
🔸️It can also be used to charge up your other gemstones too. You can place your stones in the presence of the Herkimer Diamond, and it will keep them bright and buzzing.

Bracelet – 7.5in to 8in

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 5 cm
Bead Size

10.5mm, 11.5mm, 12.1mm, 12.2mm, 13mm, 13.5mm, 14.5mm, 15mm


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