Morganite crystal bracelet – 2mm faceted – wire and clasp – 1pc

1,500.00 including GST

Availability: In stock

💗Pink, rose, lilac, peach sometimes banded, obtained at specialist crystal stores only, Morganite(pink beryl/ pink Emerald) gets its colour from manganese and lithium.
💗Good for new business to get a foothold in the market
💗Great energizer of self-love and romantic love.
💗It opens the heart at another level, making us aware of the cosmic love within us.
💗Releases old pains, wounds, and sorrows, making you feel lighter.
💗For girls entering puberty who don’t have a mother and also who are struggling with eating disorders.
💗Stone for lawyers to ensure fairness.
💗Opens communication with your guardian angel, divine compassion
💗Use morganite to show compassion towards people who may have mental or emotional issues that make them hostile towards others.
💗Wearing morganite for a few weeks helps express emotional needs you consider unreasonable but are necessary to make a relationship equal.
💗It brings a sense of joy, peace, inner strength, growth, confidence, emotional abundance
💗Attracts true soulmate
💗Helps larynx, tongue, thyroid, lungs, heart, and nervous system

Chakra – heart

Bead – 2mm, round, faceted in wire and metal hook
Bracelet size – 6.5″-8″

⚠️ Do not wash or immerse in soil, water or salt water.
⚠️Take off bracelets while bathing, swimming and exercising
👉Do not consume as direct elixirs.
👉Cleanse with selenite, sound, sage smoke, rose petals, brown rice, or reiki
👉Energize under full moon light

⚠️Note that healing crystals are spiritual supports to healing & are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
👉Crystals are not to replace conventional medicine but to complement & enhance it.
👉This information is purely metaphysical in nature & is by no means medical.
👉By using this site & associated materials, you acknowledge & agree that you assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.

⚠️We recommend removing all gemstone jewellery while bathing, swimming and exercising.
⚠️These dainty and delicate bracelets are “not indestructible”.
⚠️It is a delicate chain and can break if enough force is applied.
⚠️Drastically bending or forcefully wearing without opening the clasp can cause the wire to weaken and break.
Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 5 cm


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