Green Aventurine crystal bracelet – 2mm faceted – wire and clasp – 1pc

1,200.00 including GST

Availability: In stock

💚Microcrystalline quartz with mica that gives Aventurine a metallic iridescent glint.
💚Green Aventurine is known as the gambler’s stone, the luckiest of all stones, and is often used to attract good fortune and money.
💚Great stone for people who deal in shares, play poker, or gamble.
💚Keep in the workplace or wear bracelets to attract good luck.
💚Keep in wealth corner or charm bags for good luck along with Amazonite.
💚Used to grid houses against geopathic stress.
💚Tape tumbled stone to your phone to protect you from electromagnetic radiation.
💚It enforces leadership qualities and decisiveness.
💚Encourages perseverance. Reduces clumsiness
💚Replaces depression and anxiety with well-being and hope. Dissolves negative emotions and thoughts.
💚It’s a comforter and heart healer and general harmonizes, protecting the heart.
💚Brings things back into control and is useful in malignant conditions.
💚An all-rounder healer, bringing well-being and calm.
💚Increases the power of homeopathic remedies.
💚May benefit heart, fertility, genito-urniary problems eyesight, stammering, skin allergies, lungs, sinuses, nausea, headaches, and migraines.

Chakra : Heart

Bead – 2mm, round, faceted, in wire and clasp
Bracelet sizes 6.5″-8″

⚠️Do not immerse in soil, water, or salt water.
⚠️Do not consume as direct elixirs.
👉Cleanse with selenite, sound, sage smoke, or reiki
👉Energize under sunlight or daylight and full moonlight

⚠️Its important to understand that crystals are not magical, nor do they produce miracles.
👉Healing crystals are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
👉Crystals are not to replace conventional medicine but to complement and enhance it.
👉This information is purely metaphysical in nature and by no means medical.
👉By using this site and associated materials, you acknowledge and agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.

⚠️We recommend removing all gemstone jewellery while bathing, swimming and exercising.
⚠️These dainty and delicate bracelets are “not indestructible”.
⚠️It is a delicate chain and can break if enough force is applied.
⚠️Drastically bending or forcefully wearing without opening the clasp can cause the wire to weaken and break.
Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 5 cm


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