Celestite/Celestine Rough Clusters

5,600.0027,500.00 including GST

💙Pale to mid blue ice like crystals, Celestite represents divinity and incorruptibility, promotes purity of the heart, and attracts good fortune.
💙A stone associated with angels, it is used to communicate with guardian angels and connect with the celestial realm.
💙Its peaceful and calm energies cool fiery emotions, dissolve pain, and bring love.
💙It helps with acute anxiety, fear of travel, fear of crowds, and speaking in public.
💙It prevents us from worrying our lives away.
💙Keep next to your bed if you wake in the night panicking or hold before sleep.
💙A tiny piece in a child’s pocket will fill their aura with protective energies to deter those who bully them!
Chakra : throat, third eye
⚠️Do not immerse in soil, water or salt water.
⚠️Do not consume as elixirs.
👉Cleanse with sound, sage smoke, or reiki
👉Energize under daylight and full moon light
⚠️ Note that healing crystals are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
👉Crystals are not to replace conventional medicine but to complement and enhance it.
👉This information is purely metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical.
👉By using this site and associated materials, you acknowledge and agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.
Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 15 × 12 × 12 cm

1110gms, 1138gms, 1974gms, 5446gms


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